Kuma Outdoor Gear is proud to introduce the first ever paddedDuoHeat Systemcontrolled byBluetooth technology. Grab your phone, open the Kuma Heated App and crank up the heat! As the warmth sets in on both the seat and the lower back, you¡¯ll be able to micro adjust your heat settings from 1-10 and view it on Kuma's LED Lit Bluetooth/manual button. Comes complete with beverage holder, phone pocket, 10,000 mAh rechargeable lithium battery and carry bag.
Rated for 265lbs.
¡¤ Durable 600D polyester
¡¤ Padded DuoHeat seat & back
¡¤ LED Lit Bluetooth/manual button
¡¤ Sturdy 1' and 3/4' black tube frame
¡¤ Adjustable stabilizer Feet
¡¤ Insulated beverage holder and phone pocket
¡¤ 10,000 mAh rechargeable lithium power bank included
¡¤ Carry bag included
Weight: 15lbs/ 7kg
Size: 40¡±(H) x 25¡±(W) x 18¡±(D)
Seat Height: 16'