Escape to the mountains, even when the trails are slick and muddy. You can count on dry feet and confident traction in the women's SKPR waterproof Active outdoor shoes. These light and supple shoes support fast hikes and adventurous trail runs with an engineered footbed that reduces pressure points for relaxed feet and extended comfort. Keep moving when the trails get waterlogged with a breathable waterproof membrane that seals out wet conditions. Rossignol's iconic rooster logo spotlights a century of alpine heritage.
- Dry Feet: Waterproof, breathable WR/TEX membrane seals out wet conditions and lets feet breathe
- Enhanced Foot Comfort: Sensor3 inserts reduce pressure points for a relaxed fit and improved circulation in the feet
- All-Terrain Grip: A lugged outsole provides confident all-terrain grip
- Comfortable Drop: Designed with 8mm of drop between heel and toe for a balance of performance and comfort for running and walking
- Optimum Support: Wrapping Band upper design supports feet and ensures breathability thanks to perforated areas
- Water-Repellent Finish: Durable Water-Repellent (DWR) coating resists wet conditions